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The Conglomerate Vestland

250 green projects from the Vestland region in Norway have been identified in a new report initiated by Vestland County and Innovation Norway together with municipalities, regional councils and local actors.

The report is developed by EY and over the past six months – 400 players from businesses, municipalities, clusters like GCE Ocean Technology and local actors have contributed with identifying more than 250 green innovation projects in Vestland county that make up the report West Norway portfolio (Vestlandsporteøljen).

Stakeholders from the public sector, academia, research institutes, businesses and the general public was invited to discuss the report at the first meeting hosted by Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) in Bergen 22 November.

Eight Key Findings

The following key findings are summarized in the report:

1. Today, Vestland is an “oil-lubricated” region that needs to be transformed into a green power centre. In a few years we must deliver strong growth in new export areas.

2. The EU, our main market, demands solutions that Vestland is positioned to develop.

3. Vestland, now has the map of the most important projects for success.

4. We have eight years to complete the projects that will ensure value and job creation and cut 55% of our emissions - we must concentrate our efforts on what creates the greatest effect.

5. The analysis shows that building the "green hubs" and industrial symbiosis will create and scale the new green value chains. This gives us significant regional and national ripple effects.

6. We are not equipped to realize the identified opportunities in the West Norway portfolio and the regional portfolios. We have critical value creation and green jobs on hold. These can quickly disappear out of Norway and Western Norway if we do not increase our pace.

7. We must build green infrastructure to succeed. We must establish a common commitment to increase the pace, implement priorities and realize the West Norway portfolio - we must build Western Norway together.

8. We must think big - we must scale the great opportunities across the county and Europe - we must collaborate on solving a comprehensive puzzle to succeed towards 2030.

Cluster Contributions

Through competence arenas and innovation projects, the clusters strengthen industry and Norway's ability for technology transfer, growth and internationalization.

The offshore and energy clusters possess large international networks with similar ecosystems as their own, in other port nations and markets. These clusters are important engines in the major restructuring of the Norwegian economy.

GCE Ocean Technology are very much looking forward to contributing to realising the green projects in the portfolio and supporting Vestland county’s ambitious goal of zero emission by 2030 and moreover, the governments ambition of increasing Norway’s export revenues by 50% within 2030.

Upcoming Events

In the time ahead follows several meetings and initiatives to create a broad discussion about how the region Vestland should collaborate as a conglomerate to realize the potential for green growth in Western Norway.

The interim reports will be presented as follows – click to read more and register:

Contact Information

Owe Hagesæther

Chief Executive Officer

Owe Hagesæther

Further Reading