Top Score in Cluster Management

GCE Ocean Technology achieved top score on the cluster management excellence evaluation and is awarded with the Gold Label – a label held by only 10 percent of the 1000 cluster organisations in EU.
The Gold Label certificate is granted by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI) to cluster organisations that receive at least 80% on their cluster management excellence score.
In December 2021 we did a re-assessment of all 31 indicators which was conducted in Bergen (Norway) by Tor-Arne Bellika and Eivind Petershagen (Both Innovation Performance AS - Norway). The cluster management organisation was represented by Owe Hagesæther (Cluster Manager) and Berit Haver (Office Manager).
99% Score
“GCE Ocean Technology Cluster has again impressed the experts. The assessment revealed a robust industry driven world class cluster organisation ready for national and international scaling in global Blue Ocean related growth segments” stated the ESCA report.
GCE Ocean Technology are happy to report a 99 % score of the cluster management excellence and that we again were awarded with the gold label.
– We are very happy with achieving such a high score, says Owe Hagesæther, CEO GCE Ocean Technology. – Receiving the Gold Label is a considerable accomplishment and an international recognition of the work performed by the cluster, he continues.
The GCE Ocean Technology Cluster have achieved the ECEI GOLD Label status since 2013, they are excellent in all aspects, they score consistently extremely high and again they challenge the experts’ ability to identify any aspects or areas of further improvements. GCE Ocean Technology clearly is a world class cluster organisation. ESCA Report.
It is a requirement to qualify for the Gold Label to be able to remain in the Norwegian Innovation Clusters programme.
GCE Ocean Technology's timeline for the assessment for Gold label is as follows:
- 2013: Awarded Gold Label with a 100% score
- 2015: Awarded Gold Label with a 96% score
- 2019: Awarded Gold Label with a 98% score
- 2021 : Awarded Gold Label with a 99% score
The ECCP has been profiling quality labels for a decade. Just over 68% of the approx. 1000 cluster organisations in EU (EU-27 regions) have some form of quality label and 42% have either the bronze (23%), silver (9%) or gold (10%) Cluster Management Excellence labels awarded by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) (Source).
– The renewal of our Gold Label, shows that GCE Ocean Technology is both committed and able to maintain an efficient and accountable facilitator for our cluster, Hagesæther concludes.
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