We are strengthening our team

Karianne Kojen Andersen is our new Innovation Manager and will lead the cluster’s core activity within innovation and EU projects specifically within our main focus areas: offshore renewable energy, aquaculture, smart ocean and marine minerals.
– We are really happy to have Karianne joining our team full time, says Owe Hagesæther, CEO of GCE Ocean Technology.
Karianne Kojen Andersen comes from the position as EU Advisor for NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster and GCE Ocean Technology since 2019.
In her new role, she will help increase the scope of EU supported research, development and innovation projects among the clusters' partners and members and contribute to GCE Ocean Technology's work with offshore wind and marine renewable energy.
– I am really excited to take on this new role in the cluster and continue working with our members and partners in the transition towards emerging ocean industries, says Andersen.
A Resource for the Cluster
Andersen will work with increasing the awareness and competence level among the cluster's partners and members with the intention of strengthening competitiveness and increasing the scope of Norwegian exports from the ocean industries.
More specifically, she will contribute to initiating and implementing EU funded innovation projects and assist in the preparation of project applications for relevant schemes in the EU on behalf of the cluster and the cluster’s members and partners, and mobilize and guide the cluster companies on funding opportunities in the EU.
In addition to working with EU and innovation projects, she will also contribute to initiate and implement business development and market development projects and crossover programmes with a particular focus on offshore wind and renewable energy.
Don’t hesitate contact Karianne to discuss innovation and EU projects.
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About Karianne
Karianne joined GCE Ocean Technology in July 2019. She has a Master's degree in European Studies from NTNU and the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, and has extensive experience from working with EU funding and EU policy in both Brussels and Norway.
She also has experience working with innovation and innovation projects from Innovation Norway, NCE Seafood Innovation and GCE Ocean Technology. Karianne works to mobilise for increased cooperation and participation within innovation and EU projects in the cluster.