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Upcoming EU Call for Innovative SMEs

The Eurostars programme is soon launching an open call for innovative SMEs. The call is thematically and technologically open and can support companies with up to 6 million NOK per project.

Eurostars is the largest international funding programme for SMEs wishing to collaborate on R&D projects that create innovative products, processes or services for commercialisation. Eurostars is launching an open call 21 January, and the call will be open until 24 March.

Focusing on Innovative SMEs

In Eurostars, an innovative SME must be the main project participant. In addition, you need to have at least one partner from one of the other 37 participating countries. Both larger companies, universities and research centres can be partners in the project.

About Eurostars

The Eurostars programme is a joint initiative between the European Commission and EUREKA and is part of the open innovation pillar in Horizon Europe. The programme supports innovative SMEs in developing new products, services or processes that will reach the market within two years after the completion of the project. For Norwegian applicants, projects can be awarded up to 6 million NOK, with 50% coverage of costs.

Register for Norwegian Research Council's webinar for potential applicants 2 February 11:00-12:00.

Further Information

Are you wondering if Eurostars could be a good fit for your company? Contact our EU Advisor Karianne Kojen Andersen for a more detailed discussion about the scheme and its possibilities.

More information about the programme and what you can apply for can be found here: