Anni Skåtun Won Best Student Award

We congratulate Anni Skåtun, from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, who has been elected "Best Student, Ocean Technology - class of 2019 –2022". Anni is the first female to win this award.
The winner is chosen based on a poll amongst the fellow students and Anni was handed the award at the UTC Marine Minerals seminar 14 June.
About Anni
Anni is 23 years old and grew up in a small local community called Fusa outside of Bergen. She is an active girl and has previously been a top athlete in karate. No less has she been European champion four times.
Prior to joining the Ocean Technology study at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Anni was a technical apprentice (TAF), and did her internship period at Framo Fusa – a manufacturing plant for marine pumping systems.
Developed subsea part for TechnipFMC
Anni is a very practical person, something she proved through her bachelor's thesis, that she wrote with two fellow students for TechnipFMC this semester. The three girls developed a subsea part that the company was so pleased with, that they intend to put the adapter into production in the near future.
Ingrid Skodvin Mjaatvedt (left), Anni Skåtun and Aurora Bondevik Loftesnes
worked together on their Bachelor thesis with TechnipFMC this semester.
One of Anni's main strengths is that she never gives up when she sets a goal. However, the most important skill is her positive attitude when faced with any situation, both in a social or academic context. She is very well liked by fellow students, and a very worthy winner of this price, says Tone Røkenes, Assistant Professor and Anni’s study coordinator at HVL. She has followed Anni for three years.
After her studies Anni is planning on taking her Master’s degree.
Competence is key
Establishing the first subsea specific BSc degree education was one of the first success stories for GCE Ocean Technology. Alongside the clusters focus, this education has developed into an ocean technology BSc, as well as an integrated Masters degree.
– This award is one of many efforts to strengthen ocean-related education and improve the connection between academia and the ocean industries, says Owe Hagesæther, CEO of GCE Ocean Technology, who together with SpareBank 1 SR-Bank established the award to contribute to a good study- and learning environment.
– Anni is clearly a deserving prize winner, she has already proven her skills in many fields including her positive contribution to the student environment, Hagesæther concludes.
Launching Student Innovation Challenge
GCE Ocean Technology invites all BSc/MSc students to submit their proposal for concepts enabling sustainable deep sea minerals exploration and development.
The 10 students involved in best proposals will get free access to the conference. The winner will be awarded with NOK 10 000,- and presentation at the Deep Sea Minerals conference in Bergen 26-27 October.
Contact Information

The award "Best Student, Ocean Technology" is granted to a student that has demonstrated excellent academic results and stood out by contributing to the community and helping develop professional and social aspects of the programme.
The award consists of a diploma and 15,000 Norwegian Kroner sponsored by SpareBank 1 SR-Bank, as well as honour and glory.
The award is presented every year at the Underwater Technology Conference (UTC).