Apply for travel support

GCE Ocean Technology offers up to 20.000,- NOK in travel support for cluster members taking part in the Norway2OTC-delegation to Houston 2022 – Apply now! First come, first served.
The annual Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) and exhibition in Houston is an important venue, if not the most important, for Norwegian oil and gas companies seeking to export Norwegian technology and services.
Companies that travels with the Norway2OTC delegation will have access to leading-edge technical information, the industry’s largest equipment exhibition and valuable professional contacts. A main goal is to meet potential international customers and partners, but many Norwegian delegates also underline the value of meeting other Norwegian energy professionals, all in one place.
Apply for travel support
GCE Ocean Technology offer companies that take part in the Norway2OTC delegation to apply for travels support. Send a short request and summary of what you plan to achieve during OTC 2022 to to apply for up to 20.000,- NOK to cover travel expenses.
The following conditions apply:
- The company must be an SME (SMB = less than 250 employees)
- The company must be a registered member of GCE Ocean Technology
- The company must sign up for, and take part in the official Norway2OTC delegation
- GCE Ocean Technology will cover 50% of documented travel cost, up to 20.000 NOK per company
- Up to ten companies will be supported
- An invoice including receipt of delegation fee and documented travel cost shall be sent to upon your return
Contact Information

We invite you to join the upcoming Norwegian delegation Norway2TOC to travel to OTC in Houston.
As of 2021, Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP) is the new organizer of Norway2OTC.
Together with partners GCE NODE, Energy Valley, Norwegian Energy Solutions, City of Stavanger and GCE Ocean Technology.