Artificial Intelligence – ABC Course

Join our free one-day course to get an introduction to artificial intelligence (AI), what problems can be solved and what resources, competence and data is needed to create value.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides huge possibilities for many businesses related to several topics such as production, operation, maintenance, innovation, sales and marketing.
Data Driven Business Models
Several companies goes from selling products to providing services, or adding services to products. This transformation into a data driven business model, requires knowledge about several topics to be able to explore the possibilities and address the risks.
AI is increasingly important for all types and sizes of companies and organisations. The course is primarily targeting leaders, business developers and other key personnel in small and medium sized enterprises.
You do not need any previous knowledge to attend the course, but rather an interest for transforming data into value, whether you call this AI, machine learning, advanced data analysis or something else.
Combining AI and Domain Knowledge
AI is best utilised and creates most value when it is used together with domain knowledge on real problems. The course aims to get you in a better position to discover, define and communicate challenges which can be solved using AI.
We provide input about how to start and what is needed to succeed. We will also include cases from the cluster members Corvus Energy and ConditionAll who will share their experiences.
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About the course
The course is part of the clusters focus on artificial intelligence as an enabling technology, and is organised with the Norwegian Cognitive Center.
The course will be held by presenters from Digital Norway (in Norwegian only).