It all starts with a great idea

Deep Sea Dome, the Fisherloom, FailSafe, DISCO, the Geo-Comrades and many other innovative concepts were "born" during the two-day workshop with our partners and members this week.
More than 70 employees from partner and member companies in GCE Ocean Technology, collaborated on finding innovative ways of lowering Norway’s emissions and increasing exports.
Collaboration is essential to strengthen export according to guest speaker Tore Ulstein, Deputy CEO and Chairman of the Board of Ulstein Group and Ulstein Shipping: but it requires ingredients like common interests, strategic partnerships, national and international clusters and long-term investmens and regulations from the authorities and the policy instrument.
Funding the best ideas
The workshops were divided into four different themes; subsea autonomy, offshore wind, CCUS & hydrogen and marine minerals. The aim was to create new solutions contributing to Norway’s goal of reducing CO2 emission by 50% and increase the export with 50% by 2030 or The 50-50 Challenge, as we like to call it.
GCE Ocean Technology can provide pre-project funding up to 250.000,- NOK to kick-start your idea. Last application deadline before summer is 10 June.
Watch what happened:
Download presentations
Presentations from the workshop will be available at our Member Area shortly.
We would like to extend our greatest gratitude to the representatives from our partner and member companies, who took part in this gathering, to Knowit who led the workshops brilliantly and to our guest speakers Sonja Chirico Indrebø, Vice President of Floating Offshore Wind in Equinor and Tore Ulstein, Deputy CEO and Chairman of the Board of Ulstein Group and Ulstein Shipping.
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The 50-50 challenge
The government aims to increase exports beyond oil and gas by 50% and reduce CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030.
We have called these two challenges: The 50-50 Challenge.
At this gathering, we addressed the opportunities that lie in this challenge for the cluster and found great ideas for accelerating energy transition and increasing exports of technology and solutions from the ocean industries.
The best ideas will be further developed and can be funded with up to 250.000,- NOK.