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We need more mentors and experts

Bjarte Fageraas (left) is a serial entrepreneur and Senior R&D Advisor from GCE Ocean Technology. He is both a mentor- and recruits mentors for the AspBAN programme.
Bjarte Fageraas is a serial entrepreneur and Senior R&D Advisor from GCE Ocean Technology. He is both a mentor- and recruits mentors for the AspBAN programme.

– Being a mentor is often just as rewarding and useful for the mentor who also establishes new contacts and opportunities, says Bjarte Fagerås in GCE Ocean Technology. He needs experts and mentors for more than than 80 start-up companies undergoing the AspBAN acceleration programme.

AspBAN is an EU funded partnership to stimulate innovative businesses and foster a sustainable blue economy around Atlantic ports and Bjarte Fagerås who is Senior R&D Advisor in GCE Ocean Technology is recruiting mentors and experts to support these startup-companies.

The startup companies offer technology and services for ports and other infrastructure around ports.

As a mentor for these companies you will access a pool of interesting start-up companies in Europe that you can build valuable connections with according to Fagerås who is also a mentor in the programme himself.

If you would like to learn more or/and become a mentor of the AspBAN programme please contact

About the AspBAN project

The AspBAN project is related to the Atlantic Action Plan 2.0:

  • Pillar 1: Ports As Gateways And Hubs For The Blue Economy
  • Goal 1: Ports as gateways for trade in the Atlantic
  • Goal 2: Ports as catalysts for business

There is a need and an opportunity for EU Atlantic Ports to diversify the revenue sources of their business models, by acting not only in the core areas of cargo and passenger handling, but also being the main playgrounds or ecosystems for the development of new blue businesses and of a sustainable ocean economy.

Read more about open call for startups
Read more about the AspBAN programme

Contact Information

Bjarte Fagerås

Senior R&D Advisor

Bjarte Fagerås


GCE Ocean Technology is partner in the EU funded Atlantic Smart Ports Blue Acceleration Network (AspBAN) project, that aims to support European start-ups in the ocean industries with accelerating and scaling up sustainable solutions for the blue economy.