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Finalists in European competition for pilots in Atlantic ports

Bjarte Fagerås (Senior R&D Advisor) and Karianne Kojen Andersen (Innovation Manager)  are representing GCE Ocean Technology in the AspBAN project.
Bjarte Fagerås (Senior R&D Advisor) and Karianne Kojen Andersen (Innovation Manager) are representing GCE Ocean Technology in the AspBAN project.

Our members Havkraft and Dimeq are among the finalists to become part of a pool of innovative startup solutions that will be developed as pilots in 30 Atlantic ports as part of the Atlantic Smart Ports Blue Acceleration Network (AspBAN) project.

– Dimeq with their efforts to digitalize the maritime industry, and Havkraft with their wave power solutions, both offer exciting and relevant solutions for the AspBAN project, and we are very happy that two of our member companies are among the finalists, says Karianne Kojen Andersen, Innovation Manager in GCE Ocean Technology.

Playground for blue businesses

AspBAN is a 2-year project mainly focused on developing a dynamic platform to accelerate sustainable solutions in the blue economy and helping EU Atlantic ports to work as blue economy hubs by becoming playgrounds for the development and implementation of new blue businesses.

Havkraft and Dimeq are among the top 70 finalists for the AspBAN Open Innovation Programme.

Pitching and pilots

The next phase for Dimeq and Havkraft involves pitching for international investors, end-users, European Ports and mentors in the programme.

If successful, they will become part of a pool of startups to join the pilot stages of the AspBAN project.

This will give them access to 142 strategic partners across Atlantic ports, the opportunity to scale and test their products using real data in a live environment, networking and partnerships with other players in the pool, and to receive feedback and mentorship from experts on the Blue Economy sector.

Cluster contribution

– This is an important European collaborative project, says Bjarte Fagerås, Senior R&D Manager in GCE Ocean Technology.

GCE Ocean Technology has led the work package on Acceleration Services in AspBAN giving support to 80 startups in the blue economy.

Bjarte has also led the work in recruiting and building the national and international mentor network that has, and will support the companies through all phases of the programme.

Contact Information

Bjarte Fagerås

Senior R&D Advisor

Bjarte Fagerås


GCE Ocean Technology is partner in the EU funded Atlantic Smart Ports Blue Acceleration Network (AspBAN) project, that aims to support European start-ups in the ocean industries with accelerating and scaling up sustainable solutions for the blue economy.

AspBAN is co-financed by the European Commission’s European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.