UiS builds unique expertise

Offshore wind is in the spotlight like never before at the University of Stavanger (UiS).
There are constant incoming signals suggesting investment on a large scale both in Norway and abroad, and the students realize that there will be a great need for expertise in the years to come.
– Our students are attractive to companies involved in the construction of floating wind farms. This is undoubtedly an industry of the future where our research and course offerings will play an important role, says Yihan Xing, Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science (IMBM) and study program leader for the Master's in Marine and Offshore technology at the university.
Closely linked to the cluster
Xing came to Norway from Singapore 14 years ago and staying in "Norway's energy capital", it was natural to do research on marine and offshore technology, underwater technology and offshore wind.
- We want to find solutions to practical problems. This happens in close cooperation with industry players, and often cluster members in GCE Ocean Technology where we are a partner.
He believes the cluster is a good platform for connecting business and academia, preferably with support from the Research Council of Norway.
- It is useful for all parties. Through the cluster, we have connected with many companies that want to take part in collaborative projects where we can contribute with our expertise. Not only with technology, but also within economics, says Xing.
Yihan Xing, Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science (IMBM).
World-leading research
He points out that UiS has one of the strongest scientific environments within the offshore and marine industry. The university develops and quality-assures methods that the industry benefits from.
– We work on a wide range of exciting projects, and we collaborate with other universities and colleges both at home and abroad. Green transitioning is central. We have several research groups that work interdisciplinary for a more sustainable social development, says Xing.
He highlights the project for underwater transport drones as a good example. They can be used in all weather conditions and distances in connection with the storage of CO2.
Emphasis on sustainability
– We have employees who are specialists in mechanical engineering, construction, design and maintenance, marine and offshore, and we train students who will be qualified for important positions in the marine sector, says Xing, who has registered that sustainability as a theme is becoming more and more crucial for the students.
– We notice that in the Master's theses the students choose. More and more of them are about offshore wind, carbon capture, hydrogen and other sustainability measures.
He mentions in particular a "Green platform" project in aquaculture in which the Research Council, Innovation Norway and SIVA are involved, and where UiS has received significant funding. The project includes targeted research, technology development and business development of green technologies, processes, products and services.
– In addition to management, we are involved in all professional fields that form the necessary foundations for the development of offshore wind farms, says Xing, who looks forward to further cooperation with GCE Ocean Technology and the cluster's many member companies and partners.
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Established in 2004, when Høgskolen i Stavanger received university status (started as a district college in 1969) with:
- 12,600 students
- 2,000 employees
- Six faculties
- 415 PhD candidates
- Twelve percent foreign students
- 33 bachelor's programmes
- 14 five-year and 43 two-year Master's programmes
- Five Ph.d. programs
The main campus is located at Ullandhaug in Stavanger.
Read more about study programs at the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science (IMBM).
UiS is one of 18 partners from industry, R&D, academia and public bodies, who have recently signed a new 5-year agreement with GCE Ocean Technology.
The partners in the cluster are the leading force and the backbone of the cluster's strategic work.
The partners get access to various arenas and projects where they meet potential customers, suppliers and partners.
Valuable knowledge is developed and shared here between the cluster's +150 partners, members and collaborative partners.