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20 new areas for offshore wind in Norway

Terje Aasland, Norwegian Minister of Petroelum and Energy received NVE's work on identifying new areas for offshore wind on the Norwegian continental shelf on April 25, 2023. Photo: Jo Henrik Jarstø / OED

NVE has identified 20 potential offshore wind development areas along the coast of Norway demonstrating that the target of achieving 30 GW of offshore wind energy by 2040 in Norway is achievable, according to Terje Asland.

NVE has identified 20 potential offshore wind development areas in Norway, 6 of them outside the West Coast (Vestlandet).

The areas are geographically spread along the coast of Norway and distributed between bottom-fixed and floating offshore wind areas, and will require careful consideration of environmental impacts and co-existence with other activities such as oil and gas production and fishing.

More than 30 GW of offshore wind

The project's goal was to identify areas that could enable the development of more than 30 GW of energy in the future. This goal will require more than 3000 turbines of the same size at the Hywind Tampen turbines.

The findings of the initiative have been made available through a newly launched website that contains extensive analyses and information on the work done so far.

According to Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aasland the NVE's identification of 20 potential offshore wind development areas in Norway demonstrates that the country's target of achieving 30 GW of offshore wind energy by 2040 is achievable.

Aasland also stated that the timeline set by the Norwegian government for achieving this goal is well-aligned with the ongoing assessment process.

Each identified area will require further assessment through a strategic impact assessment to determine its feasibility and sustainability.

The project did not evaluate the economic viability of developing offshore wind in Norway but instead focused on identifying areas with the least conflicting interests.

Offshore wind development in Norway, including floating offshore wind, is currently not profitable, and large investments will be needed in both offshore and onshore infrastructure for several of the identified areas.

Read the press release (language: Norwegian).

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Kai Stoltz

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Kai Stoltz

Thea Båtevik

Project Manager Renewables

Thea Båtevik