Cluster Insight with Knowit

Trying to stay clear of this season’s viruses is one of many tasks that Torstein Fjelltveit Skagseth juggles in Knowit while driving innovations in the Ocean Industries.
Cluster Insight is your window into the daily business-lives of the employees who work for the partners and members of GCE Ocean Technology.
Today, we’ve spoken with Torstein Fjelltveit Skagseth to get a glimpse into his daily role at Knowit - a Nordic powerhouse for the digital solutions of the future.
1. What is your role in Knowit?
I have a range of hats to put on in Knowit.
First and foremost, I´m a Project Manager and Consultant supporting our projects and customers as best as I can - driving development and efficiency projects forward.
While doing so I´m also team leader for a handful of my great colleagues and doing my best to lift our initiatives towards the Ocean Industries out there to all the brilliant companies we have in the area.
2. Your primary focus at work right now is?
Right now, my primary focus is to stay clear the rush of viruses and infections coming home from kindergarten. It is crucial for me to maintain my energy level and the focus needed to keep and improve the trust shown to us by our customers every day!
3. Biggest challenges and opportunities for Knowit in the future?
I´d say those two go hand in hand; the challenge and opportunity.
The technology development goes faster than ever, and our challenge is, as always, to stay on top of it.
When we do so, the great opportunity is that we all need to improve the way we think, plan, and execute to meet the efficient demands put on us by all the environmentally fuck ups we have done over the years.
And the only way we will be able to meet those demands, is by utilizing the right technology at the right time. That is where Knowit is at its best.
4. Best part of being member in a cluster?
The best being part of the cluster is the reduced distance between knowledge and experience it gives to its members. Sitting around a table at a GCE Ocean Technology’s events discussing with forerunners from industry and academia is worth the time in gold!
5. Your business/life motto?
Let’s talk with each other and share what we know!
6. Which cluster member should we interview next?
I think you should have a chat with John Olav Fløysand at, OneSubsea.
Thank you for the insight, Torstein!
Contact Information
Kjersti Boge Christensen
Communication Manager