EMINENT kick-off: - Exploration is key to learning

An important project to learn more, said Kjersti Dahle from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, when she opened the Green Platform project EMINENT.
The Green Platform project “Havbunnsmineraler – Akselererer energiomstillingen”, now called EMINENT – Energy MINerals for the NEtzero Transition, in English, was kicked-off last week.
Kjersti Dahle, director for technology, analysis and coexistence at the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate got the pleasure to kick-off the project.
Dahle gave an overview of the knowledge status and the recent resource assessment on the seabed at the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Dahle stressed the important difference between in-place-resources and recoverable resources.
Addressing key knowledge gaps
Further knowledge is needed to assess the potential for a profitable industry with an acceptable environmental impact.
The EMINENT project will develop and demonstrate new technology and methodology to perform in place evaluation of in-place-resources and performing environmental monitoring and baseline studies. Furthermore, the project will address key knowledge gaps along the value chain, with the goal of significant less environmental footprint compared to current land-based mining.
Dahle sees a huge potential for innovation and technology development. She congratulated the project with the funding and looks forward to seeing the results from the project.
Collaboration is key to succeed
The EMINENT project consists of 15 companies and organisations. Anette Broch Mathisen Tvedt, CEO of Adepth Minerals and project manager, looks back at a very good kick-off meeting with good discussion and dialogue.
– I am very humble and motivated to be part of such a strong and complimentary project team. Joining forces and sharing data and knowledge is key to success, says Anette.
The project will demonstrate world-leading technology and methodology for environmental and resource mapping and environmentally friendly production and processing.
– A key part of the project will be a research expedition planned already this spring. It is important to collect data, experience and samples for the project. The kick-off meeting fostered many good discussions and I really look forward to the continuation, Anette finishes.
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The EMINENT-project consists of the following 15 partners: Adepth Minerals, DeepOcean, Seabed Solutions, NOV, Aanderaa, Shearwater Geoservice, AkerBP, Geoprovider, University of Bergen, NTNU, Akvaplan-niva, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, NORCE, Future Materials Catapult Centre and GCE Ocean Technology.
The project has received funding from the Green Platform Initiative, providing funding for enterprises and research institutes engaged in green growth and restructuring driven by research and innovation.
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