Bridging the workforce gap

The transition towards achieving net-zero goals requires a skilled workforce. Cecilie Sælen, CEO at CCB Subsea has booked a stand at Ocean Young in Bergen to secure their fair share of the smart minds of the future.
– Ocean Young is a great arena for us to present our business to potential future workers. Last year we met many engaged and enthusiastic students, says Sælen.
Sælen is looking to hire competent students and summer interns. Not to mention students writing their BSc and MSc thesis with them.
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Demand is on the rise
There is a large unmet demand for competent workers in renewable energy which will be even larger in 2030, according to a report by Oslo Economics from 2022 (on demand from NHO and LO).
– Demand for work resources will be an important subject in the years to come, especially if we are going to reach the goals for net-czero and implement renewable projects in the ocean industries, says Cecilie Sælen, CEO in CCB Subsea. – In addition to recruitment to the ocean industries, we also need to work smarter, innovate, and make more with less.
28% increase in applicants for Ocean Technology
Luckily, the current application trend suggests that students are eager to work in the energy- and subsea technology industries according to Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL).
– Our bachelor’s degree in Ocean Technology is the big winner this year. There were 50 applicants, which is an increase of 28%. A new record! says Tone Røkenes, Assistant Professor and student coordinator at HVL.
Pathway from academia to industry
Røkenes has observed an eagerness from the industry to hire talented graduates.
In fact, last year, all students that wanted to work in the industry at IMM could do so. What’s more, some even had a job lined up six months before they completing their degree.
– A lot thanks to initiatives such as Ocean Young that aids in creating a pathway for seamless transition from academia to industry, explains Røkenes.
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