Exciting New Members

– Network is everything and being a member of GCE Ocean Technology enables us as a small company to connect with partners, customers and suppliers within our business segment, says Anders Even Kvåle, CEO of Element One Energy and a new member of GCE Ocean Technology.
In the first half of 2023, GCE Ocean Technology proudly welcomed eleven new members:
- Deep Wind Offshore AS
- Element One Energy AS
- Fjord Base Holding AS
- Fynd Global AS
- Hellenes AS
- Hydrotell AS
- Nordic Innovators Norway AS
- Nordic Usv Henriksen
- Ovalwp AS
- Reach Subsea AS
- RelyOn Nutec Norway AS
Among these additions, six are innovative startups, demonstrating the cluster's commitment to nurturing entrepreneurial talent.
By connecting with an extensive ecosystem as GCE Ocean Technology, we can faster expand our network of clients, partners, and customers, Martha Lien, Chief Scientific Advisor of Fynd Global AS (photo).
Collaborative approach and opportunities
GCE Ocean Technology offers a wide range of activities and opportunities to foster networking, experience sharing, and collaboration.
By bringing together various stakeholders, our cluster catalyzes innovation and breakthroughs in the ocean sector.
Members gain access to a dynamic ecosystem that encourages cross-pollination of ideas, facilitates knowledge exchange and supports the development of mutually beneficial partnerships.
Photo: Fieldtrip to OneSubsea and Aker Solutions under the Underwater Technology Conference (UTC) in June 2023.
Join us
By joining GCE Ocean Technology, companies can tap into a vast network of like-minded professionals, enabling them to leverage collective expertise and resources.
The cluster's collaborative environment serves as a breeding ground for joint projects, research initiatives, and technology advancements.
Illustration: Deep Purple™ is a cluster project that builds on proven technologies to deliver stable, renewable, and scalable energy in the ocean space.
Moreover, GCE Ocean Technology provides its members with a platform to showcase their capabilities and solutions, facilitating visibility and engagement with potential clients, investors, and collaborators.
Through targeted events, workshops, and conferences, the cluster cultivates an atmosphere conducive to knowledge sharing, market intelligence, and business growth.
Photo: The Ocean Tech Scaling program is our an annual growth program.
Learn more and become a member.
– We in GCE Ocean Technology welcome all new members to the cluster, and are looking forward to future collaboration, says Owe Hagesæther, CEO.
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