Students + your project = Smart

Student projects are ideal to explore new ideas, gain knowledge and increase your company’s innovation capacity.
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) is requesting assignments for bachelor projects for students in general mechanical engineering, energy technology, marine engineering, industrial engineering, subsea and ocean technology.
HVL is also increasing their offerings within Master-level students.
Students helped Entech
– It is always rewarding to collaborate with students, says Jan Tore Tveranger, CTO at Entech, who engaged three students from HVL to help identifying the function and potential pitfalls of a tool used in drilling operations as part of their Bachelor thesis.
– They provide new insights and shed light on our technology from other angles, merging theoretical knowledge with industry experience. This year’s group of students have proven themselves to catch on to the technology very fast and are already providing valuable input for our procedures going forward, he explains.
Photo: Marie Gørbitz, Margrete Knarvik, and Yasmin Pedersen Pourshahmiri; students at HVL collaborated with Entech on their bachelor thesis.
Submit your assignment
If your company has an assignment that might be considered as a main project within the below mentioned areas, please send HVL a brief description of the task by email using the template below, preferably by the end of October:
- Download Reguest for projects (language: Norwegian)
- Download Specification template for the main project (language: Norwegian)
- Download Specification template for the Bachelor project (language: English)
The student projects will be conducted during the spring semester 2023 and based on the department's expertise and equipment at the workshops and in laboratories, projects are relevant in the following areas:
- Construction and strength calculation
- 3D modelling and 3D printing
- Material testing
- Flow simulation and hydraulics
- Multi-phase systems and petroleum flow assurance
- Test of models of marine vessels and installations in Marinlab (50 m tow and wave tank)
- Response and anchor analysis with SESAM
- Operation and maintenance of thermal machines and their components in our Motorlab
- Energy efficiency of processes and buildings
- Waste heat recovery and energy from waste
- Assessment and use of renewable energy
- Hydrogen technology
- LEAN management and logistics
- Industrial and international marketing
- Industrial processes
- Evaluation and implementation of industry standards
- Operation and maintenance of offshore and subsea installations
- Subsea operations
Explore new ideas
Student projects are an ideal starting point for recruiting new talents. Students increase your company’s innovation capacity and give you the possibility to explore new ideas and gain knowledge.
They are an important tool to boost the interaction between businesses and educational institutions.
For more information contact:
Assistant Professor Tone Helene Bergset Røkenes
Study coordinator for ocean technology and marine technology
Phone: +47 55 58 72 41
Contact Information

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) is one of the largest educational institutions in Norway, with about 17,000 students.
Every year around 4500 candidates graduate from HVL and contribute to important societal missions in companies, organizations and other parts of working life.
HVL has a clear professional-oriented profile.