Opportunities for Collaboration

The Research Council of Norway has announced the results from the first stage of the SFI-application process. 30 of 96 applications has been invited to submit a full application within 4 June 2025.
If you are not already a partner, get in touch, and we can help you engage with the consortia.
See the full list of the successful applications.
Partnership in Two Applications
GCE Ocean Technology is a partner in the following two SFI-applications:
Centre for Deep-Sea Innovation: The centre will foster innovation and develop knowledge to address two crucial challenges for industrial and governmental decisions regarding possible future seabed mining in the Norwegian EEZ.
- Resource Potential: What are the quantities and grades of mineable and refinable seabed mineral deposits?
- Environmental Responsibility: Can seafloor mining occur with acceptable environmental impact?
Both challenges are critical to determining the environmental and economic viability of deep-sea mineral extraction.
Read more about the Centre for Deep-Sea Innovation initiative, headed by UiB.
SFI LEO - Life Extension of Offshore systems: The centre will develop innovative solutions and improve offshore equipment through intelligent monitoring, data analysis, digital decision-making tools and autonomous operations.
The Centre has brought together strong partners to shape a greener future for the offshore industries.
Read more about SFI-LEO, headed by the University in Agder.
Huge potential for Innovation and Value Creation
The applications show that the SFI-call has mobilised widely in the industry and public sector together with research partners from all over Norway.
There is an impressive amount of exciting research plans with great and exciting possibilities for future innovations and value creation that have been presented in the applications, says Anne Kjersti Fahlvik Executive Director in the Research Council of Norway.
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SFI Programme
The Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI) develop expertise that is important for innovation and value creation.
Long-term research in close cooperation between R&D-active companies and prominent research groups will strengthen technology transfer, internationalisation and researcher training.
The centres have been established for a maximum period of eight years.