New Board Members Join GCE Ocean Technology

At the annual meeting on 2 May, GCE Ocean Technology elected Marit Warncke from Bergen Kommune and John Olav Fløisand from OneSubsea as new board members.
Remi Andre Breivik, Director Engineering Services at TechnipFMC, has been re-elected as the chairman of the board.
– I am excited about the opportunity to further advance one of Norway’s leading industry-driven clusters, says Breivik.
He emphasized the board's commitment to supporting CEO Owe Hagesæther and his team in their endeavors.
The board for the upcoming term includes:
- Remi Andre Breivik (TechnipFMC), Chairman
- Tor Willgohs Knudsen (Equinor), Board Member
- Hege Hammersland (Scantrol Deep Vision), Board Member
- Marit Warncke (Bergen kommune), Board Member
- John Olav Fløisand (OneSubsea), Board Member
- Aina Margrethe Berg (NORCE), Board Member
- Rolf Røssland (NUI), Board Member
- Cecilie Sælen (CCB Subsea), Board Member
Deputy Members:
- Hans Petter Klohs (Adepth Minerals)
- Marianne Lefdal (CGG)
- Kristin Sand Bakken (Corvus Energy)
The nomination committee for 2024-2025 includes Tove Ormevik (Aker Carbon Capture Norway), Mark Bokenfohr (Aanderaa by Xylem), and Tom Georg Indrevik (Øygarden kommune).
GCE Ocean Technology thanks outgoing board member Tom Georg Indrevik for his significant contributions.
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