Building Antifragile Entrepreneurs

We gathered eight ambitious Norwegian companies at MIT’s Martin Trust Center for Entrepreneurship in Boston this week, for an intensive program of learning, pitching, and honing their growth strategies.
This year's particiapants in our Ocean Tech Scaling Pogram are Amundsen Kabel, Aragon, CCB, Entail, Flex2Future, Framo, Glex, and Æge Energy.
And this week, they were guided by ours and MIT's top mentors and got insights into what it takes to scale your company, adapt, and thrive amid uncertainty.
It all wrapped up with the companies pitching their growth strategy to a panel of seasoned entrepreneurs who know firsthand what it takes to scale a company.
Yes, what else?
Led by Bill Aulet’s familiar question, “Yes, what else?”, they were encouraged to dig deeper with every answer and move beyond the surface.
This question became a theme throughout the week, challenging our thinking and uncovering new perspectives.
Building “Antifragile” Entrepreneurs
MIT mentors Paul Cheek, Jenny Labrios Berlin, Tod Hynes, and Devon Sherman Daley have shown us that true entrepreneurial strength lies in becoming “antifragile”—growing from stress and uncertainty, not just enduring it.
They debunked the myth that entrepreneurs are “born that way,” showing us that resilience, adaptability, and an appetite for adventure can be developed.
Will the Dog Eat the Dog Food?
With Chloe, the golden retriever occasionally padding around our hangout, MIT’s “Garage” workspace, Bill’s core questions: “Will the dog eat the dog food? is sure to be top-of-mind.
This question centers on the end-user, and the importance of building something people or society truly want and need.
With our minds full of new ideas and renewed energy, we’re ready to bring everything we’ve learned back to Norway.
Ready for Growth? Join Next Year’s Program
We’re already recruiting for next year’s Ocean Tech Scaling Program. If your company is ready for growth, don’t hesitate to reach out.
The program is organized by GCE Ocean Technology and ScalingLab and sponsored by Agenda Vestlandet.
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The Ocean Tech Scaling Program is a five module learning experience with insights from a world-class faculty, experienced business mentors, investors and peers.
Good candidates for the programme are SME’s with the management resources, technology and competence to really grow and internationalise to become the future value- and job creators in Norway.