Dire Straits

Yes, Dire Straits is a legendary band, but the expression also captures the challenging position we find ourselves in regarding the energy transition.
It might be a worn-out "tune", but that doesn’t make it any less true:
The pace of the energy transition is far too slow, and Norway's dependence on oil and gas may have come at the expense of our hunger for innovation and sense of urgency, as was expressed at our recent Leadership Forum this week.
Balancing Oil Dependcy with Future Energy Sources
We will – and must – rely on oil and gas for several more years, but at the same time, we need to speed up the development of the energy sources that will replace them.
Monica Mæland voiced her concern in the panel debate about the slow paste and the belief that increasing energy efficiency alone will suffice.
She said it outright: "It is dangerous to think so."
Taking A Blue Quantum Leap
There were more than 60 leaders from the ocean industries gathered at Leadership Forum in Bergen, to discuss the energy transition and the opportunities within the Blue Quantum Leap Energy initiative.
You can access all presentations at our Member Area
Inspiration from Entrepreneurial History
Leif Johan Sevland, CEO at ONS, drew parallels between the Blue Quantum Leap initiative and the entrepreneurial spirit that made it possible to launch ONS in 1974 – now arguably the world's most important offshore meeting place.
His story about birthing ONS by building an exhibition hall despite regulatory challenges and opposition, illustrates the entrepreneurial mindset and willingness to find solutions, which is also crucial for the success of the Blue Quantum Leap Energy according to Sevland.
The initiative bridges industries and geographical boundaries, with the aim of uniting Norway around building new value chains, scaling efforts, and increasing exports.
County Mayor Jon Askeland stated that many of the regional development plans strike at the very heart of this so called, supercluster concept.
Results from the Initiative
A concrete example of progress from the initiative was shared during the forum by Flex2Future.
Through collaboration within Blue Quantum Leap Energy, they have received support to promote their solution, Flex2Power, a groundbreaking innovation in renewable energy production from floating offshore installations.
"It is thanks to the clusters forming the Blue Quantum Leap, that we have the opportunity to present ourselves at arenas like this," said Knut Høiland (photo), Chairman of the Board.
Norway United
The Blue Quantum Leap Energy will be built on the foundation of regional industrial clusters with the goal of accelerating the energy transition through increased focus on commercialization and export.
The initiative received widespread support from the stage and many of the leaders present. The strategy will be realized through the newly established company Ocean Energy Norway.
– Ocean Energy Norway will take lead and orchestrate the way to a faster energy transition and export growth, says Owe Hagesæther, CEO of Ocean Energy Norway and GCE Ocean Technology.
We want to thank everyone who attended our Leadership Forum and contributed to the discussions that will help move the initiative forward.
Would you like to learn more? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Contact Information

Blue Quantum Leap Energy, is an initiative established by GCE Ocean Technology and Energy Transition Norway.
Through it - we aim to unify cluster efforts and contribute to accelerating the energy transition.
The strategy will be realized through the newly established company Ocean Energy Norway.