New Resource Group

If you would like to join our new resource group within remote and autonomous operations, we would love to hear from you.
We are seeing a step-change in remote operations, with an increased degree of autonomy, and new platforms and concepts enabling new solutions.
Operations are moving onshore, underwater drones are tested successfully, and a wide range of unmanned vessels supporting underwater operations are emerging.
Learning Across Organisations
GCE Ocean Technology is establishing a resource group within autonomy and remote operations to foster innovation and strengthening collaboration.
The work and scope of the group will be based on your input, and we envision to cover topics and activities such as:
- Identification of topics that can provide basis for joint projects
- Input and feedback to our cluster activities and priorities
- Input to national strategies, work programmes and funding schemes
- Courses, seminars and site-visits to build and share knowledge
Our meetings will be held digitally, with physical meetings held. primarily linked to seminars.
The group will be open to partners and members of GCE Ocean Technology.
Send an e-mail to if you like to join the group.
Site-Visit to Reach Subsea
We will use the site-visit to Reach Subsea 5 December after lunch to get your input to the scope and activities within the group.
Contact Information

Join Us
GCE Ocean Technology is establishing a resource group within autonomy and remote operations to foster innovation and collaboration.
Send an e-mail to if you like to join the group.