Unlocking Opportunities Through Collaboration

Discover how closer collaboration between Energy Transition Norway and GCE Ocean Technology can unlock new opportunities—and share your ideas on how we can strengthen this partnership for our members' benefit, at Lederforum 20 November in Bergen.
With over 60 participants confirmed, including representatives from Equinor, Fugro, ScanReach, and Aker Solutions, this forum promises to be a productive gathering for both large and small organisations in GCE Ocean Technology.
See detailed programme and register (language: Norwegian).
– A closer collaboration between our two clusters means our members gain access to a broader range of services, financing opportunities, and partnerships, says Owe Hagesæther, CEO of GCE Ocean Technology.
In turn, this paves the way for growth, increased export potential, and a faster energy transition.
Combined Cluster Services
At this year’s Leadership Forum (Lederforum), Flex2Future will share insights on how they've used services from both clusters to advance their innovative FlexPower solution.
Most recently, they completed Module 2 of GCE Ocean Technology's growth program, which included an intensive week at MIT in Boston.
In this video, Flex2Future CEO Knut Høiland shares how the experience has benefited their journey forward:
Get in the Know
Here is a snippet from the programme:
Leif Johan Sevland will speak on energy transition and collaboration, sharing lessons from ONS 2024.
Christina Schieldrop, VP of Renewables at Equinor, will address the future of renewables, focusing on CCS, hydrogen, and offshore wind.
Andreas Fjellbirkeland, VP of Processing Systems at OneSubsea SLB, will discuss the progress of the energy transition and OneSubsea’s strategy for positioning within this evolving landscape.
Your Input is Wanted
We welcome your input and suggestion about how to strengthen the collaboration between our clusters, to benefit our members forward, so register now and join the discussion.
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