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Cluster Insight with Wind Catching Systems

Mari Bjørnø is Strategy & Business Development Manager in Wind Catching Systems.
Mari Bjørnø is Strategy & Business Development Manager in Wind Catching Systems.

Wind Catching Systems is redefining offshore wind. With a major demo project, NOK 1.2 billion in Enova funding, and global ambitions, the company is entering a pivotal phase. We spoke with Mari Bjørnø about what’s next.

Cluster Insight is a column where we ask six questions to get a glimpse into the daily work of GCE Ocean Technology’s partners and members.

This week, we spoke with Mari Bjørnø about her work at Wind Catching Systems, the company behind the Windcatcher – a scalable offshore wind solution based on mass-produced small turbines. The system enables at-sea turbine replacement without the need for specialized ships or cranes.

1. What is your role in Wind Catching Systems?

My role at Wind Catching Systems is Strategy and Business Development Manager.

2. Your primary focus at work right now is?

Earlier this year, we were awarded NOK 1.2 billion in funding through Enova’s program "Competition for support for small-scale commercial floating offshore wind projects."

This grant marks a significant milestone for the Wind Catching Demo project, which is naturally a major focus for us at the moment.

In addition to my commercial role in the Wind Catching Demo project, I am currently working on planning our participation at WindEurope in Copenhagen (April 7-10) and Floating Wind Days in Haugesund (May 21-22).

We will have a stand at both conferences and look forward to welcoming visitors—whether they want to discuss the Windcatching technology or our demo project.

3. Biggest future challenges and opportunities?

The company is in an exciting phase, where we have the opportunity to showcase a tangible project to the world. Through Wind Catching Demo, we get to demonstrate multi-rotor technology at an industrial scale—right here in Norway. This could be a steppingstone for something even more significant on a global level.

At the same time, there’s no denying that taking on a project of this scale is both a challenge and a huge opportunity for a company like ours.

Since 2017, we have been building step by step to get to where we are today. Now, we have the chance to bring to life something we believe could become a flagship project for the Norwegian industry!

4. Best part of being member in a cluster?

It is important to us that the entire diverse and highly skilled value chain within offshore wind and the ocean industry knows about us—and eventually becomes familiar with our demonstration project.

One of the key reasons for showcasing technology in Norway is precisely to connect with companies and expertise. In return, this builds a Norwegian value chain that will be well-positioned when the technology is introduced to the global market.

For us, joining the cluster is a great way to showcase what we do—to the people and companies we need to successfully execute the project and develop the technology in the best possible way.

5. Your business/life motto

My motto—both at work and in life—is to always focus on the things I can influence and to do something about.

6. Which cluster member should we interview next?

Æge Group.


Thank you for the insight, Mari – and see you at WindEurope in Copenhagen.

Contact Information

Kjersti Boge Christensen

Communication Manager

Kjersti Boge Christensen


Wind Catching Systems was established in 2017 to challenge conventional offshore wind design.

Their multi-turbine concept maximizes power generation while reducing maintenance costs and increasing scalability.