Viridien: – We have to pull together!

– GCE Ocean Technology is a great platform, with members covering the entire ocean supply chain. A professional environment that offers new impulses and entry into new markets, and where we in return share our unique knowledge.
These are the words of Marianne Lefdal. She is Norway Country Manager for Viridien, and is a global technology and High-Performance Computing (HPC) leader that provides data, products, services, and solutions in the fields of Earth science, data science, sensing and monitoring.
Viridien has its headquarters in Paris, and also has offices in countries around the world such as the United States, the UK, and Norway. The company employs approx. 3 300 people worldwide, of whom just over 50 are based in Oslo and 20 in Stavanger.
Vast opportunities
Viridiens's geoscience data, technologies, and expertise will play a key role in the energy transition.
– Our main involvement has been in oil and gas exploration, but we are now going beyond our core business by leveraging the company's expertise in other specialist fields. We aim to increase our visibility and expand our reach by seeking new partners, says Lefdal.
Seeks new knowledge
Viridien has participated in several key global projects for the capture, exploitation and storage of carbon, such as Sleipner and Troll. Over the past two decades, the company has been involved in more than 150 geothermal projects.
– We have a lot to offer but are constantly looking to learn. This is where a GCE Ocean Technology partnership is important. By seeking new knowledge from cluster members, we will be better placed to discover new market opportunities. Cluster collaboration appeals to us. Many Norwegian companies are small, and we therefore have to pull together, says Lefdal.
She promises that Viridien will make valuable contributions to the cluster.
– We solve complex digital challenges and offer a comprehensive range of data. This extends the opportunities for value creation from which we can all benefit –particularly in connection with energy transition for a more sustainable future.
Cluster collaboration
Viridien brings substantial geoscience expertise and offers vast experience and in-depth knowledge in areas such as seabed conditions.
– The cluster opens up opportunities for dialogue with companies offering other technologies and competencies. An example is our collaboration with Loke Marine Minerals, Adepth Minerals, and Green Minerals. We also greatly appreciate the interaction with academia, which brings new insights and access to exciting professional environments.
Time to up the pace
Marianne Lefdal is convinced that Viridiens's knowledge of environmental monitoring, underpinned by geoscience and computer science expertise and technology, provides a good basis for collaboration with members of GCE Ocean.
– We are in a technology transition phase where environmental impact is becoming increasingly topical. To keep up with this trend, we have to move at a quicker pace. The best way to do this is by pulling together and creating joint value chains. There is no need for everyone to reinvent the wheel!
Contact Information

CGG is an international company with headquarters in Paris.
- It employs approx. 3 300 people worldwide, of whom around 70 are based in Norway.
- The company is a global technology and HPC leader.
- CGG supports its clients in efficiently and responsibly solving complex digital, energy transition, natural resource, environmental, and infrastructure challenges for a more sustainable future.
CGG is one of 18 partners from industry, R&D, academia and public bodies, which has recently signed a new 5-year agreement with GCE Ocean Technology.
The partners in the cluster are the leading force, and the backbone of the cluster's strategic work.
The partners get access to various arenas and projects where they meet potential customers, suppliers and partners. Here, valuable knowledge is developed and shared between the cluster's +150 partners, members and collaborators.