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Dimeq’s unique technology bracelet and Havkraft’s wave power converter have been chosen to enter a pool of startup solutions that will be developed as pilots in 30 Atlantic ports.
Dimeq’s unique technology bracelet and Havkraft’s (photo) wave power converter have been chosen to enter a pool of startup solutions that will be developed as pilots in 30 Atlantic ports.

GCE Ocean Technology is partner in the EU funded Atlantic Smart Ports Blue Acceleration Network (AspBAN) project, that aims to support European start-ups in the ocean industries with accelerating and scaling up sustainable solutions for the blue economy.

During the two-year long project, the project partners aim to establish a European network of accelerator services and support for start-ups in the ocean industries and support Atlantic ports to act as ecosystems to foster innovation on the blue economy.

The AspBAN project aims to deploy a representative and diverse open innovation, acceleration and investment ecosystem/network with partners from Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Canada and USA.

Strategic Partners

In addition to GCE Ocean Technology, three Norwegian ports are involved as strategic partners in the project: the Bergen Port Control, Port of Karmsund and Port of Hadsel.

GCE Ocean Technology will lead the work package on Acceleration Services for Blue Innovation Cluster Startups, SMEs and Ports, using our experience from the Scale up programme that has run for three years.

The AspBAN project aims to have a final pool of 30 innovative startup solutions developed as pilots in 30 Atlantic ports, attracting 6M€ in direct private investment, mobilizing 4,5 billion€ of potential private investment and making a reduction of at least 100.000 tons of CO2 emissions in the operations of the 30 ports.


Project Owners beta-i, Irish Maritime Development Office, KALEIDO, NOAH, eurotran, Global Acceleration Network, PORTXL, Fórum Oceano, CPMR_CRPM, World Ocean Council, CMC, magellan, GCE Ocean Technology.
Period 2021 – 2023
Funding European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
Goal/Result To put in place an acceleration services platform for EU Atlantic Ports.