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SEAS: Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability

The University of Bergen and EU are co-financing the SEAS programme aimed at creating European research leaders in marine sustainability for the future.

EU has awarded 40 mill. NOK to UiB and the SEAS programme (Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability) and UiB and EU will together finance the programme with 160 mill. NOK which will be spent over five years.

A New Generation of Marin Researchers

Up to 40 postdoctoral positions will be filled to create a new generation of researchers to be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to create interaction and collaboration across professional, cultural, technological and sectoral boundaries.

The researchers will be linked to various academic environments at UiB and the partners within business, administration and research institutions at home and abroad.

The overall goal is creating European research leaders in marine sustainability for the future.

GCE Ocean Technology are one of the 32 partners, but EU allows the number of partners to increase as the project rolls out. The partners stems from academia, business and administration.


Project Owners  University of Bergen
Period 2021 - 2026
Funding University of Bergen and EU
Goal/Result The overall goal is creating European research leaders in marine sustainability for the future.